Sunday, June 16, 2013

A Day For Our Dads

I want to wish a Happy Daddy’s Day to all dads.  Of 2 leggers, 3 or 4 leggers.

But especially my very own superman. 

He is my daddy. 

He has been my champion.  He has forever supported me in all my decisions, but challenged me and questioned me to reach them.  He has cheered me on in my successes and consoled me in my failures. 

He has provided for me, supported me and loved me.  He has taken one of my furry kids to his heart to love and applauds my efforts for the furry ones.

He became the grounding force after that fateful day in 1987.  And became my bedrock because of it.  Because of him, I became stronger.

He became my advisor, my counselor and my friend.

God must have felt very kindly the day he gave me my parents. 

Daddy, you are my superman.  Forever.

To the greatest dad in the world, thank you.

Happy Father’s Day!!!

Anything you build, create, birth, adopt, nurture needs a sound, solid foundation to thrive.  Toss in some love to the mix, you have beauty growing.  ~me
This song from Eric Clapton.  My Father's Eyes.



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