Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Garlic Dave - This Is For You

A friend of mine has a blog here.  Berry’s Aunt Jen (  Gift giver of Berry’s bling.

Reading Jen’s blog is sad at times, joyful at others.  But sometimes, so many lose their lives before they ever get a chance at life.  Garlic Dave never saw his second birthday.  That is sad.

I started thinking about it.  I thought about the wonderful life my Berry had, adopted at age 6 ½.  How she ever escaped the end most meet I don’t know.  But I am thankful she did.  And thank you MI REGAP and Kim and Court.  A life of love, of huge dog beds, of food galore and the most excellent vet care.  Babysitters, Christmas presents, walks, and romps in the yard.  Something Garlic Dave and the others didn’t live to see. 

The blogs are sad to one who loves the greyhounds.

But.  In reading these blogs, I have to wonder at man’s greed and cold-bloodedness.  Those who run the industry know it is failing.  And it is failing badly.  Instead of folding graciously, they vigorously attack.

They spread misinformation about the wonderful conditions the dogs live in (compared once to a “condo”, please…), attack good people trying to help the greyhounds, and live in a state of denial about their actions. 

With this economy, gaming and betting are not terribly high on a person’s list of things to do.  Pay the mortgage/rent, pay the utilities and stock the fridge.  Or place a frivolous bet on a gentle dog who may die on the track.

With televised video supporting the inhumane conditions, news reports of starvation, proven facts of track fatalities they want to conveniently overlook. 

It’s time for them to fold their house of cards. 

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