Thursday, February 3, 2011

Ban on greyhound racing takes a small step in Iowa Legislature

I read the article below and I am not quite certain which of the statements annoys me more. The “alimony” to be paid “indefinitely”.  Avenson’s “it’s a growing industry”.  David Robinette’s statement that “it does work,” Robinette told lawmakers. “It’s the best thing that ever happened to us.”

So many “fluff” stories the industry wants to promote.

In what way is it “growing”?  Money is moving out of it.  And while it does, the industry destroys gentle creatures.

Mr. Robinette, I am happy you were able to live your “American Dream”.  At what overall cost to the dogs.

For all of the lovely, gentle, regal dogs who crossed the corridor to a better life.  You didn’t make life safe for them. 

Shame on you.

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